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快門速度 | 0 |
曝光補正 | 0 |
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焦點距離 | 0 |
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相片尺寸 | 1024 x 696 |
It was our travel trip to the Chinese grassland called壩上in Dec15 ,2015 and next day early morning ,we took the jeep to the little hill called歐式風光區, we climbed up the top to take the sunrise scenery , but it was heavy clouds , only the weak light ,we took the snow mountain with some 白楊樹trees , snow world without sunlight turned blue tone that some kind of painting pictures ,though it was very low temperature under zero 20 degree , we still bear the chilly cold to take those beautiful scenery
祝賀大家..拍照快樂 謝謝賞圖! PS:歡迎參觀我的flickr相簿圖庫 c0466art
See more pls go to my flickr album
歡迎參觀我的flickr相簿圖庫 c0466art